Sunday 19 February 2017

The Origin of Turkey

chaya.comIn the region known as Turkestan stretching from mainland China and Mongolia North high in the East, to the sea of Qazwin in the West, and from the Valley of Siberia in the North to the subcontinent of India and Persia in the South, the quiet tribe of Al-' Ghizz and large clans. They are known as the Turk.

The region the region is then a massive migration from his country in the second half of the 6th century into Central Asia. Some historians mention some reasons that migration. Most looked at that such removals are driven by economic factors, the existence of a long drought, and the number of their offspring, has caused them to feel uncomfortable being in the country of origin, so they migrate to find grass and pastures, as well as a better life.

While some others contend, that the migration that occurred because of political factors, given the tribes received threats from some of the region's bigger and with greater strength, i.e. the region Mongolia. It is this pressure that is forcing them to have to do Hijrah to look elsewhere and they left their homes to seek safety and shelter established. This was said by Dr. Abdul Latif Abdullah bin Dahisy.

This forced migrant tribes towards the West and stopped at the edge of the river Jaihun, then for some time lived in Thibristan and Jurjan. Thus they are close to areas previously conquered Muslim rule the Muslims, after the war, and after the fall of Nahawand Sasanid Persia in 21 H/641 A.D. Transmission with the Islamic world

In the year 642/M 22 H Islamic troops moved into the region Chapter for the captive. The region is a region in Turkey where people live. It was there that the army of Islam Abdur Rahman bin Rabi'ah met with King Turkey named Shahr Baraz. He askedAbdurrahman to peace and he expressed its readiness to put together an army of Islam is the fight against Armenia. Then He sent him to Commander Suraqah bin ' Amr. Shahr Baraz has tried on its own to meet direct Suraqah and he took it well. Suraqah later wrote a letter on Caliph Umar bin Khattab to tell you about this issue. Umar agreed to do so. Then there was the peace agreement. So it's not a battle took place between the Muslims and the people of Turkey. They then jointly set out for Armenia to open the country and spread Islam there.

The Islamic army continued advancing toward the northeast of Persia until finally, the Da'wah of Islam spread there after the fall of the Persian Government. Persia is the power that hampered the Islamic spread in the country. With these hurdles, and with the gradual success of Islamist army opened new territories, then it opens space for the inhabitants of the land included in it are those Turkey. Thus it came to their interactions with Muslims, and people of Turkey were converted to Islam and joined the ranks of the Mujahideen to spread the religion of Islam and uphold the word of Allah.

During the reign of Uthman Ibn Affan, the land of Thibristan. Then the Muslims crossed the Jayhun in 31 H. they stopped in Turkestan. Then come on in a large number of people of Turkey into Islam and they become very important part of the jihad in the way of God around the world.

The army of Islam continues his trip in the region and successful opening of Bukhara in the reign of Muawiya Ibn Abu Sufyan. The army of Islam goes forward up to Samarkand. Then be the territories of Central Asia under an Islamic power that fair and they live with the brilliant of Islamic civilization.

The number of people who enter Turkey into more Government circles during the reign of the Abbasid Caliphs and they starts holding important positions in the military and administration. Then there is no army, Commander, author of among them. They act in a manner that is calm and obedience of all the commandments, to finally be able to reach the highest position.

When the Al Mu'tasim rule the Abbasid dynasty, he has opened the door wide for those Turkey and give their position and important positions. This makes the privileges they can participate in determining the policies of the State. The Al Mu'tasim policy based more on the interests of the Al Mu'tasim himself to trim the influence of Persian people who dominate its administrative HR governance since the reign of Abbasid Caliph Al Ma'mun.

The Al Mu'tasim excessive attention towards those Turkey this has raised resentment among the public, especially among the military who often make the Al Mu'tasimworry will anger them. That's why he built a new town named Samara, which is 124km from Baghdad as a new place to live for him, for its loyal troops, as well as his supporters.

So, the people of Turkey started its history and they played an important role in the history of Islam, until finally being able to establish a large Islamic Government that has strong relations with the Caliph of the Bani Abbas who was then known by theAyyubids.

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