Saturday 18 February 2017

Islam At The Time Even The Abbasids [Part I]

A. The Early Establishment Of The Abbasids

The power of the Abbasid Dynasty was the continuing power of Bani DynastyThe Umayyads. Even Abbasid named as the founder and ruler of this dynasty was descended from Abbas, the uncle of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The Abbasid dynasty founded by Abdullah al-Saffah ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdullah ibn al-Abbass. He was born in Humaimah in 104 a.h. He was inducted into the Caliphate on March 3 Rabi ' al awwal 132 H. Power of the Abbasid Dynasty lasted from 750-1258 M.

In the seventh century revolt throughout the country. The most devastating and rebellion is the culmination of all rebellions i.e. the war between the forces of Abdul Abbas against Marwan ibn Muhammad (the Umayyad Dynasty). Which was eventually won by Abul Abbas? With the fall of the country Syria ended the history of the dynasty of the Umayyads and along with it the power to awaken the Abbasid.

From here it can be known that Even the rise of the Abbasid Dynasty will not only turn but more than that is the replacement of the social structure and ideology. So it can be said Even of the Abbasid revival is a revolution. According to Crane Brinton in Mudzhar (1998:87), there are 4 characteristics that become the identity of the revolution are:
  1. That in the days before the ruling ideology of the revolution earned harsh criticism from society due to the community suffering disappointment caused inequalities of the ruling ideology that
  2. The mechanism of his reign is not efficient because negligence adjusts social institutions with the development of circumstances and the demands of the times.
  3. The occurrence of the crossing of the intellectuals of the ruling ideology that supports new insights offered by critics.
  4. The revolution was generally not only in spearheaded and driven by the people is weak and the subordinate, but carried out by the authorities because of certain things that feel not satisfied with the existing system.

Even before the Abbasids stand, there are 3 places that became the center of activity of the group, Bani Abbas, between one another has its own position in playing its role to enforce the authority of the big family of the Prophet's uncle Abbas namely Abdul Mutholib (from the name of the dynasty were stationed). Three of the place is Humaimah, Kufa, and Khurasan.

Humaimah is a small town where the family of the Banu Hashim lived, either from among supporters of Ali as well as supporters of the family of Abbas. Humaimah is located adjacent to Damascus. Kufa is a city and its people embraced Shi'a supporting the flow of Ali Ibn Abi Talib. He feuded openly with the Umayyads. Similarly with Khurasan, the city whose inhabitants support the Banu Hashim. He has emotional citizens brave, strong, strapping his physical height, firm erection not easily influenced lust and not easily confused with a distorted belief. This is expected from the House of Abbassiyah support.

Under the leadership of Muhammad bin Ali al-Bani Abbas Abbasy, a movement is done in two phases: phase 1) strictly confidential; and 2) phase and an outright battle.

During Imam Muhammad still alive the movement performed very confidentially.Propaganda posted throughout all corners of the country and got many followers, especially that of the oppressed who felt, even from the initially supportive of the Umayyads.

After Imam Muhammad died and was succeeded by his son Ibrahim, then a young Persian brave and intelligently named Abu Muslim al-Khusarany, the secret of the movement joint. Since then begins the movement with the blatant way, and then how to battle. Finally the month of Zulhijjah 132 H, the Umayyad Caliph Marwan last killed in Fusthath, Egypt. Than Even the official stand of the Abbasids.

B. The System of Government, Politics, and State

At the time of the Abbasid Caliphate concepts developed as a political system. According to the views of the leaders of the Abbasids, the sovereignty of the Government (the Caliph) is derived from Allah, not from the people as it was applied by Abu Bakr and Umar in the time of khalifahurrasyidin. This can be seen with the word Caliph Al-Mansur "I was the sultan of Allah above His earth".

At the time of the Abbasid Dynasty, the pattern of Government applied vary according to the changing political, social, economic and cultural. The political system run by Even the Abbasids I among other things:

The Caliph of Arab descent, are the Ministers, commanders, Governors and other elected officials from descendants of the Persian and mawali.

The city of Baghdad was used as the capital city, which became the Centre of the activities of the political, economic, social and cultural.

  1. Science was viewed as a very important and glorious.
  2. Freedom of thought as the HAM is fully recognized.
  3. The Minister is given the full power of the Persian derivatives to run its task in Government,

The next period of II, III, IV, the Abbasid political power is already experiencing a decrease, especially a central political power. This is due to the States (small kingdoms) already regardless of the Central Government, except the political recognition only. Commander in the area had already ruled in the area, and they have been set up or to form their own Government, for example, the emergence of Even-Even small, example; even the Umayyads in Andalusia or Spain, Even the Fatimids.

In the early days of the founding of the Abbasid Even there are two actions that are performed by the Abbasid Caliph Even to secure and defend from the possibility of interference or the onset of rebellion, namely: first, the tough measures against the Banu Umayyad. and both the centrality of that derivative persi.

In running the Government, the Abbasid Caliph at the time helped by a vizier (Prime Minister) or leadership is called wizaraat. While the wizaraat were further divided into 2:1) Wizaraat Tanfiz (System of Government presidential) namely wazir only as Caliph and helpers working on behalf of the Caliph. 2) Wizaaratut Tafwidl (cabinet's parliamentary). His Plenipotentiary to lead the Government. While the Caliph as a symbol only. In the case of the other functions of the Caliph as application local dynasties as its Governor Caliph (Lapidus,1999:180).

In addition, to assist the Caliph in the running of the country held a Council named diwanul kitaabah (Secretariat of State) led by a raisul kuttab (Secretary of State). And in the running state, the vizier assisted some raisul diwan (Minister of departments). The countries are the implementation called nidhamul an-idary al markazy.

Moreover, even in the age of Abbassiyah also set up the Force,-umara, baitul maal, organizational justice, during this dynasty came to power, the Government applied pattern varies according to the changing political, social, economic and cultural. Based on this change, historians divide during the rule of the Abbasids into three periods, namely:

1. First Period (750-847 M)
During this period, the whole Kingdom of Islam was in under the rule of the Caliphate except in Andalusia. As for the Caliphs who led on is as follows:

a. Abul Abbas as-saffah (750-754 M)
b. Abu Ja'far al-Mansour (754 – 775 M)
c. Abu Abdullah M. Al-Mahdi bin Al Mansour (775-785 M)
d. Abu Musa Al-Hadi (785—786 M)
e. Abu Ja'far Harun Ar-Rashid (786-809 M)
f. Abu Musa Muh. Al-Amin (809-813 M)
g. Abu Ja'far Abdullah Al Ma'mun (813-833 M)
h. Abu Ishak M. Al Muta'shim (833-842 M)
i. Abu Ja'far Harun Al Watsiq (842-847 M)
j. Abul Fadhl Ja'far Al Mutawakkil (847-861)

2. Second Period (232 H/847 M – 590 H/1194 M)
During this period, power shifted from the implementation system on the system decentralised, i.e. into three autonomous countries:

a. the House of Turkey (232-601 H)
b. The clan of Bani Buwaih (334-447 a.h.)
c. The Bani Seljuq (447-590 H)
The above dynasties eventually break away from the authority of Baghdad during Caliph Abbassiyah.

Third Period (590 H/1194 M – 656 H/1258 M)
During this period, power was back in the hands of the Caliph, but only in Baghdad and surrounding areas. While scholars of Islamic culture divides the time of Islamic culture at the time of the Abbasid to even 4 times, namely:

1. Time Abbas I, i.e. Since the inception of the Abbasids Even years 750 M, until the death of the Caliph al-Wasiq (847 M).

2. Time Abbas II, i.e. start Caliph al-Mutawakkal (847 M), until the establishment of the Buwaihiyah even in Baghdad (946 M).

3. Time Abbas III, i.e. from the establishment even Buwaihiyah years (946 M) to enter the House of Seljuk Turks into Baghdad (1055 M).

4. The period of entry, namely IV Abbasy people Seljuks to Baghdad (1055 M), until the fall of Baghdad to the Tartar's hand under the leadership of Hulako (1268 M). 

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