Saturday 18 February 2017

History of Assassin's

cahaya.comAssassin or in the Arabic language (الحشاشين) hasysyin or hasyisyin or hasyasyiyyin or hassasin or hasyasyasyin which means as followers of Hassan (group leader Hassan-I-Sabah) which is usually by the peoples of Europe are often called by the Assassins.

Most current stories about Assassin derives from Marco Polo, which States have visited Alamut in 1273 on his journey to the East (a visit which is widely considered fictitious because the Defense Base was destroyed by the Mongols in 1261).

Due to not being able to form a conventional army unit, the Nizariyya asymmetric warfare form that transforms the Act of political assassination into a system of survival and defense against enemies. They train the commandos highly trained (in disguise as an expert in language, science, trade and others, known as Fedayeen, who secretly is going infiltrate the position of the enemy and always in disguise. If Nizari citizens face the threat of assassination or their stronghold to be attacked, the Fedayeen were activated to deal with such attacks.

Fedayeen are using their skills are renowned for political purposes without having to kill; for example, a victim, usually a high ranking, in the morning will find a dagger above kept the Fedayeen when waking up in the morning. These instructions are clear to the people that he no longer be safe anywhere, that the inner circle of his servants had been infiltrated by the killer, and that any action that caused him to come into conflict with the Hashshashin must be stopped if he wants to live.

In Persia, they used his tactics directly against the Seljuk Turkey that killed House of Nizari. While specific figures, kill them very carefully, do so without unnecessary injury and loss of life of innocent people, even though they also inadvertently formed a horrible reputation with slaughtering their victims in public. Generally, they are approached by wearing a disguise, or has become agents disguised in a group. They are more like small knives or daggers hidden, they refuse to use the poison arrow or other tools that could allow attackers to get away and live.

In the Levant, it is believed that Saladin, which irritated due to some of the most successful hashshashin attack upon himself, laid siege to their base in Syria, Masyaf, while takeover backs Outremer in 1176. Then he ended the siege after the Treaty and afterward sought to maintain good relations with the sect.

Of the sect itself word got out that the assassin Rashid-ad Dinan sneak into the tent Saladin, amid the camp, leaving the piece of cake that had been given poison and a letter that reads "you are in our grasp" that is placed in the stomach while he was sleeping, Saladin and then sneaks out again without a hitch. Another story tells of a letter sent to Uncle Saladin merciful contain death threats to the whole Royal lineage, perhaps not just empty threats. Whatever the truth, the uncle of Saladin obviously adhere to such threats and undo his intention.

The House of Hashshashin also included the first group that uses a mirror reflection of the signal during the day to communicate with the nearest base, particularly about Alamut. At night they use a signal fire.

The House of Hashshashin often receives contracts from outside parties. Richard the Lionheart was one suspected of paying them to kill Conrad de Montferrat. In many cases, the Hashshashin used to maintain the balance of their enemies.

The victims were well-known among Wazir Abbasid famous Nizam al-Mulk (1092), Wazir Fatimid al-Afdal Shahanshah (1122) (responsible for imprisoning the Nizari), Ibn al-Khashshab of Aleppo (1125), al-Bursuqi of Mosul (1126), Raymond II of Tripoli (1152), Conrad de Montferrat (1192), and prince Edward (later Edward I of England) was wounded by a poisoned knife Hashshashin in 1271.

To keep in mind when we tried to find out about outs Hasyasyin (Assassin), it seems we can not rely on or fully based upon the Film, especially GAME. Film Prince of Persia: The Sands of Times--I happen to also have watched it indeed a bit extensively Hasyasyin, but failed to explain the actual historical facts about the early presence of the killer secret Groups.

Hasyasyin (Assassin) can not be traced far into the Majus, but more correctly refer on the constellation or conflicts that occur in the body of the Fathimiyyah dynasty, namely the Shiite Dynasty, Egypt (910-1171).

So the first point is that Hasyasyin (Assassin) is part of the Shia, Shia also called and not Jewish. Allahua'lam. Subject who Hasyasyin (Assassin), he is not another group of assassins a secret coordinated and well-trained. Hasyasyin formed by Hassan Ibn Shabah who knocked out in a fight of politics in Egypt Fathimiyyah Dynasty in the year 1090.

He shared the movement Hasyasyin (Assassin) he never raises the power of Shiites in Syria to kill the character and leadership of the Sunni (Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah), one of whom Saladin Ayyubi which also has taken over the powers of the Fathimiyyah Dynasty in 1171.

Muhammad Al Syahim in his book 'Saladin Ayyubi ' explains how Hasyasyin (Assassin) sneaks into the bedroom of the Islamic Commander. Hasyasyin (Assassin) put the blood-stained dagger above his pillow Saladin as a form of terror to him who took over the dynasty of Fathimiyyah. The contents of the letter are as follows:

"Hi, Sultan who had usurped, even though you have shut the doors of your House, and puts a tight guard you will not survive the Group Hasyasyin. Sheik Al Jabal, a leader of Sheikh Hasyasyin, always considering you. If we want to, we have this evening would kill you. We just want to give a warning to you in order to improve your behavior and bring back rights you have to steal. You do not need to find out who I was because it was very hard. It could just be me this is your brother, your servant, your guard, or your wife that you yourselves do not know. "

Saladin is not afraid by snapping the cheapo. Instead, he insisted even on eradicating the movement Hasyasyin (Assassin) to its roots. Then in the year 572 H or M 1176, Saladin along with troops moving toward Syria and attacked them.

When the lot fell victim of the enemy forces. Hasyasyin (Assassin) then ask for peace and forgiveness of Saladin. And Saladin fulfilling it.

Hassan Ibn Sabbah also made forts Hasyasyin (Assassin) one in Masyaf region of Syria during the Crusades. Carrol Hildenbrand in his book Crusade: the viewpoint of Islam explained that Fortress Hasyasyin in Syria has concentric double defense walls. The Fort was carefully positioned to the West of Hama in Jabal Anshariyah, where the road turns north towards the Valley of Orentes.

Usually, the fortress Hasyasyin (Assassin) is very secluded and nestled in the mountains, then it's Hasyasyin Fortress known as one of the very difficult Fortresses impregnable. Even Hildenbrand say that the fortress of Hasyasyin one of the strongest fortresses and sheltered in Iran during the 1100 's.
Ibn Muyassar, as quoted Hildenbrand, tells that after the death of Hasan Ibn Sabbah in the year 518 H/1124 M, Hasyasyin (Assassin) has seized many fortresses in the mountains of Syria. They usually do that by means of bribes and trickery, which eight of them managed to preserve their Baybars took them on a 1270-1273. They, the Hasyasyin (Assassin), carefully choose the area where they could invite the locals accepted the teachings of the Shia are also called.

According to Bernard Lewis, The Assassins: a Radical Sect In Islam, stated that in terms of shape, those Shia Ismailism is a secret society, which has a system of an oath of initiation, as well as tiers-the rank and level of knowledge.

The secrets they awake properly, and information about their fragmentary and confusing. The Orthodox people who like totally describes those Shia Ismailism as hordes of people cheated his victim's face nihilist through stages sacrilege that continuously, and at the end, it shows things are very bad to people who do not trust them.

Actually, a lot of analysis of the motive behind the establishment of the Hasyasyin (Assassin), as indeed is aimed against Sunnis, analysts also say that Hasyasyin (Assassin) is none other than a group that was formed to fulfill a personal mission that was brought by Hasan Ibn Sabbah after eliminated Dynasty Fathimiyyah. In his book, The History of Arabs, Hitti delegate that the movement Hasyasyin pure satisfying personal ambitions, and in terms of the religious as a tool for revenge to the dynasty of Fathimiyyah.

Bernard Lewis also put the theological role (read: also called Shia/Splinter Shiite) trigger the emergence of movement Hasyasyin. According to him, Hasyasyin(Assassin) is a theological group which is engaged in the murder conspiracy against religion and society. For the followers of Shia are also called, they are an elite corps who fought against the enemies of priests in their beliefs by dropping the oppressor and winning power. Allahua'lam. (Muhammad Pizarro Tauhidi Novelan)

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