Sunday 19 February 2017

Islam At The Time Even The Abbasids [Part II]—In another version, historians normally divide during the rule of the Abbasids into five periods.

1. First Period (750 – 847 A.D)
In the first period of the reign of the Abbasids achieved the golden age period. Politically, the Caliph really strong character and is the Centre of political power and religion at once. On the other hand, the prosperity of the community reached the highest level. This period also managed to set up a foundation for the development of philosophy and science in Islam.

The reign of Abu al-Abbas, the founder of this very short time, that is from the year750 ad to 754 M. Therefore, the Builder of the Abbasid was Even Abu Ja'far al-Mansur (754 – 775 M). In the beginning was the capital city of al-Hasyimiyah, near Kufa.However, to further establish and maintain the stability of the country's new stand, al-Mansur moved the capital to the new city building, namely Baghdad, near the former Persian capital, Ctesiphon, year 762 M. Thus, the Abbasid Dynasty the seat of Government is in the midst of the Persian people. In the capital of this newly consolidated al-Mansur and reform his Government. He raised a number of personal to occupy the position in the Executive and the judiciary. In the field of governance, he's created a new tradition by lifting the vizier as Coordinator for the Department. The post of vizier that combines most functions of the Prime Minister with Ministers in the country for more than 50 years in the hands of the distinguished family originating fromBalkh, Persia (Iran).

The Vizier was Khalid Ibn Barmak, later succeeded by his son, Yahya bin Khalid. The latter is then lifted his son, Ja'far Ibn Yahya, to become vizier of the young. As for his other, Fadl Ibn Yahya became Governor of Western Persia and later Khurasan. At the time of the administrative issues are handled more Persian families. The influx of nonArab family into Government is a differentiator between the Abbasid and Umayyad Even Even orientated to Arabic.

The Caliph al-Mansur also form agencies of State Protocol, the Secretary of State, and State police in addition to restructuring the armed forces. He appointed Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman as a judge on the judicial institutions of the State. The post office existed from the time of the Umayyad Dynasty intensified its role with additional tasks. If it used to be just to drop off the letter, at the time of al-Mansur, the post Office commissioned to gather all information in these areas so that the State administration can run smoothly. The Director of the post office serving the local Governorbehaviour reported to the Caliph.

The Caliph al-Mansur also tried to conquer back areas that before freeing itself from the Central Government, and establish security in the border areas. On the other hand, he made peace with the Emperor Constantine V and a ceasefire during 758-765 M, the Byzantines to pay annual tribute. During the reign of Caliph al-Mansur sense back change. The concept of the Caliphate in his view — — and continued for generations afterward — — is a mandate from Allah, not from man, nor a mere successor of the Prophet, as at the time of al Khulafa ' al-Rashideen.

Even Abbasid's popularity reached its peak in the era of Caliph Harun al-Rashid(786-809) and his son al-Ma'mun (813-833 M). The richness of the many exploited Aaron al-Rashid for social purposes, hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical institutions were established. High levels of prosperity most manifest at the time of the Caliph.Social welfare, health, education, science, and culture, as well as the literature of the golden age, were at the time. At this time the Islamic State established itself as the strongest country and incomparable (Orphaned, 2003:52-53). Thus it has been seen that at the time of the Caliph Harun al-Rashid emphasizes the construction of Islamic culture and civilization on the expansion of the area that is already widespread. Orientation to the development of civilization and culture is becoming another comparison between the elements of the Abbasid and Umayyad Dynasty.

Al-Ma'mun al-Rashid's successor, known as the Caliph of that very in love with science. During his reign, the translation of foreign books is encouraged. He also founded a school, one of the most important major work is the construction of Bait al-Hikmah, the center that serves as a college with a large library. During the reign of al-Ma'mun was this Baghdad began to become the center of culture and science.

Al-Muktasim, the next Caliph (833-842 M) gives great opportunities to the people of Turkey to enter into the Government. This is the case in the foreground will be based on the rivalry between the Arabs and the Persians during the reign of al-Ma'munand earlier. Their involvement began as a soldier of the guard. Unlike during the Abbasid dynasty, the Umayyads, Even innovate system army. The practice of Muslims following the war already stalled. The army built specifically to become professional soldiers. Thus, the military power of the Abbasid Dynasty became very strong.

In this period, in fact, a lot of political movements which disrupt the stability, either from among the Bani Abbas itself or from outside. The movements were like the movement of the remains of the Umayyad dynasty, and among the Bani Abbas intern and others can all be turned off. Under such conditions, the Caliph had strong principles as the center of politics and religion at once. If not, as in the period thereafter, stability can no longer be controlled, even the Caliph himself came under the influence of other powers.

2. Second Period (847-945 A.D)
The development of civilization and culture, as well as the major advances achieved in the first period of the Abbasid Dynasty, has prompted the authorities to live extravagantly, even striking. The luxurious life of the Caliph is imitated by the wealthy person and the children of officials. So this led to the wheels of Government is interrupted and the people to be poor. This condition gives opportunities to professional soldiers Turkey that originally was appointed by the Caliph al-Mu'tasim to take over the reins of Government. Their efforts were successful, so that the real power is in their hands, while the Bani Abbas's authority in the establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate began to fade, and this is the beginning of the collapse of the dynasty, though after that age can still survive more than four hundred years. The Caliph Mutawakkil(847-861 M) which is the beginning of this period was a Caliph of the weak. During his reign, the people Turkey can seize power quickly.

After Caliph al-Mutawakkil's death, they are selected and appointed Caliph. Thus power is no longer in the hands of Bani Abbas, though they still hold the position of Caliph. There are in fact venture to break away from the Turkey but always failed. Of the twelve Caliphs in the second period, only four people who died with the rest of the reasonable, if not killed, they descended from his throne by force. The authority of the Caliph degenerated sharply. After Turkey's army is weak on its own, in areas of strong figures appear which then liberates itself from the power Center, setting up small dynasties. This is the beginning of the period of disintegration in the history of political Islam. As for the important factors causing the decline of the Bani Abbas during this period are as follows:

a. extent of Abbasid territories Even that must be controlled, while the slow communication. At the same time, the level of mutual trust among the authorities and implementers of Government is very low.
b. With the professionalization of the army, the reliance upon them becomes very high.
c. financial hardship because of the burden of financing the army. After the Caliph degenerated, the Caliph is not able to force the delivery of tax to Baghdad.

3. Third Period (945 — 1055 A.D)
In this period, Even under Abbasid Bani Buwaih. The State of the Caliph is worse than ever, especially as Bani Buwaih Shi'ite stream keepers. The Caliph not more as an employee who ruled and given a salary. Bani Buwaih divides his power to the three brothers: Ali for the southern Persia, Hasan to the North, and Ahmad Al-Ahwaz area, Referee, and Baghdad. Thus Baghdad during this period is no longer a center of Islamic rule because it has been moved to Shiraz in the powerful Ali bin Buwaih who has the power of Bani Buwaih.

Nevertheless, in the field of science, Even Abbasid continued to progress during this period. At this time arose great thinkers such as al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Al-Biruni, Ibn Maskawaih, and study group Ikhwan as-Safa. Economics, agriculture, and trade also progress. Progress is also followed with the construction of mosques and hospitals.

At the time of the Banu Buwaih came to power in Baghdad, there have been several times of unrest between Shia and stream Ahlussunnah army rebellion, and so on.

4. Fourth Period (1055-1199 A.D)
This period was marked by the power of Bani Abbasid Even top of the Seljuks. The presence of the sons of the Seljuk Turks this was at the invitation of the Caliph to cripple the power of Bani Buwaih in Baghdad. The State of the Caliph of admittedly improved, not least because his authority in the field of religion back after some time ruled by Shi'a people.

As in the previous period, Science also flourished in this period. Nizam al-Mulk, the Prime Minister at the time of Alp Arselan and Malikhsyah, founded the Madrasa Nizamiyah (1067 M) and madrasa Hanafi in Baghdad. Madrasah Nizamiyah branches were established in almost every city in Iraq and Khurasan. The madrasa is becoming a model for College in the future. Of this madrasa was born many scholars in different disciplines. Among Islamic scholars who were born and grew in this period were al-Zamakhsari, a writer in the fields of Tafsir and Usul al-Din (theology), Al-tafsir in the field, Qusyairi al-Ghazali in the science of kalam and tasawwuf, and Umar Khayyam in the Astral science.

In the political sphere, the Centre of power was also not located in the city of Baghdad. They divided the territory into several provinces with a Governor to head each of the provinces. At the time of the central power weakened, the province each emancipation. Conflicts and wars that occurred between them weaken their own, and little by little the political authority of the Caliph strengthened again, especially for the land of Iraq. Their power ends in Iraq at the hands of Khawarizm Shah in the year 590H/1199 M.

5. Fifth Period (750-1258 A.D)
The expiration of the powers of the Seljuk Dynasty over the Baghdad Abbasid Caliphate or the beginning of the fifth period. In this period, the Abbasid caliphate no longer under the control of a particular Dynasty, though many Islamic Dynasty once stood. There are some fairly large, but most are small Dynasties. The Abbasid Caliphate was already independent and powerful again, but only in Baghdad and surrounding areas. The Caliph narrow territory shows his political weakness. At this time the Mongol and Tartar troops invaded Baghdad. Baghdad can be captured and destroyed without a fight. The destruction of Baghdad by the Mongols in this beginning of a new chapter in the history of Islam called the period of the middle ages.

As seen in the Abbasid Caliphate, the era of periodization of the decline the second period began. However, factors cause this decline did not come suddenly. Seeds already saw in the first period, just because the Caliph during this period was very strong, the seeds that did not have time to develop. In the history of the power of Bani Abbas looks that when Caliph is strong, the Ministers are likely to play a role as the head of the civil service, but if the Caliphate weakened, they will rule set the wheels of Government.

In addition to the weakness of the Caliph, many other factors which caused the Abbasid Caliphate into retreat, each of these factors is interrelated to each other. Some of him are as follows:

a. Internal factors

1. Competition among Nations
The tendency of each nation to dominate the power already felt since the beginning of the Abbasid Caliph. However, because the Caliph is strong people capable of maintaining the balance of power, political stability can be maintained. After al-Mutawakkil, a Caliph, accession, Turkey was not unstoppable army dominance again. Since then power Even Abbasiyyah in fact already ended.

2. The economic downturn
Unstable political conditions caused the economy of the country throe. Instead, the bad economic conditions weaken the political power of the Abbasid Dynasty. These two factors are inter-related and inseparable.

3. The religious Conflicts
The conflict which aspects influenced the religion is not limited to the conflict between the Muslims and Zindik or the Shia with Ahlussunnah but also between streams in Islam.

4. The development of civilization and Culture
Great progress was achieved in the first period of the Abbasid Dynasty has
encouraging the authorities to luxury living, later imitated by the tycoon and children causing the wheels of government officials interrupted and people being poor(Orphaned, 2003:61-62).

b. external factors
  1. The crusade which lasted some waves or periods and swallows a lot of casualties.
  2. the Mongols to Attack the territory of Muslim rule.

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