Monday 20 February 2017

Al farabi Abū Muhammad Nasir ibn al-Farakh al-Fārābi


cahaya.comAl farabi Abū Muhammad Nasir ibn al-Farakh al-Fārābi (870-950) short of Al-Farabi is an Islamic philosopher and scientist who came from Farab, Kazakhstan. He is also known by another name Abū Nasir al-Fārābi (in some sources it is known as Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Tarkhan Ibn Uzalah Al-Farabi, also known in the West as Alpharabius, Al-Farabi, Farabi, and Abu Nasir. Another possibility is the Farabi was an ' Imamiyah Shia (Shia Imamiyah is one of the streams in Islam which is the basis of their faith is a matter of the priest) who came from Turkey. Life and learning his father an officer the army of Persian descent, Turkey and his mother a native Turkey bloodless.

Early on he was described as having great talent and intelligence to master almost any subject that is studied. At the beginning of his studies it, al-Farabi al-Quran learning ', grammar, literature, religious studies (fiqh, tafsir and its Sciences and basic arithmetic. Al-Farabi young studied Islamic sciences and music at Bukhara and lived inKazakhstan until age 50. He went to Baghdad to study there for 20 years. After approximately 10 years of residence in Baghdad, that is, approximately in the year 920M, al Farabi then wanders in the city of Harran in northern Syria, where that time Harran is Greece cultural center in Asia minor. He then studied philosophy of renownedChristian philosopher named Yuhana bin Jilad. Year 940M, al Farabi continues his journey to Damascus and met with Sayf al Dawla al Hamdanid, head of the region (district) Aleppo, known as sympathizers of the Shi'a. Then al-Farabi died in the city ofDamascus at the age of 80 years (Rajab 339 H/December 950 M) in the reign of Caliph Al muti (Abbasiyyah dynasty).

Al-Farabi was a commentator who picked Greece philosophy in the Islamic world. Though most likely he could not speak in Greece, he knows Greece, philosophers Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus as well. His contribution lies in different fields such as mathematics, philosophy, medicine, even music. Al-Farabi wrote a variety of books on sociology and an important book in the field of music, Kitab al-Musiqa. In addition, he can also play and has created a range of musical instruments. Al-Farabi is known as " the second teacher" after Aristotle because of his ability to understand Aristotle which became known as the first teacher in philosophy.

He is the first Islamic philosopher who attempts to confront, relates and as far as possible harmonize the Greece classical political philosophy with Islam and attempts to make it understandable in the context of the religions of revelation. Al-Farabi lived in autonomous regions under the rule of Sayf al Dawla, and in the reign of the Abbasiyyah dynasty, which shaped the monarchy led by a Caliph. He was born in the leadership of Caliph Mu'tamid (870-892 ad) and died during the reign of the Caliph Al-muti (946-974 M) where the period is considered as the most chaotic period because of the lack of political stability. In these conditions, al-Farabi became acquainted with the thoughts of philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle Greece and try to combine the ideas or thoughts of ancient Greece with Islamic thought to create a State Government that ideal (Primary State).

The result of the work of Thinking during his life al Farabi much work. If review of the science, the works of al-Farabi can be reviewed to 6 part 
  1. Logic.
  2. Mathematical Sciences Natural Sciences 
  3. Biology.
  4. Theology.
  5. Political and Science State.
  6. Potpourri (Munawwa'ah). 

His most famous work is the Al-Madinah Al-Fadhilah (city or country) that discuss the achievement of happiness through the political life and the relationship between the best regime according to the understanding of Plato with the divine law of Islam.

Thoughts on the origins of the State and citizen

According to Al-Farabi man is a citizen who is one of the conditions of the formation of the State. Because man cannot live alone and always require the help of another person, then the man in a relationship-relationship (Association). Then, in a long process, ultimately resulting in a country. According to Al-Farabi, the country or city is a community of the most independent and most able to meet the necessities of life such as: clothing, food, Board, and security, as well as being able to set the order of the community, so that the achievement of perfection for the community easier. Countries that their citizens are already self-sufficient and aim to achieve real happiness, according to al-Farabi, is the primary country.

According to him, the citizen is the element that most staple in a country. that is followed by all its principles (mabadi) which mean that base, starting point, principles, ideology, and the basic concept.

The existence of citizens is very important because the citizens of the country which determine the nature, type, and pattern of the country. According to Al-Farabi development and/or quality state is determined by its citizens. They are also entitled to elect a leader of the country, namely a the most superior and most perfect between them.

The main countries analogous as the human body is healthy and the main, because naturally, the settings of the organs in the human body are hierarchical and perfect.There are three main classifications:

  1. First, the heart. The heart is an organ of principal because the heart is an organ of balance which is not governed by other organs.
  2. Second, the brain. Part of this second stage, in addition to serving parts of the first rank, also set up organs of the section below it, i.e. the third stage, such as organs: liver, spleen, and reproductive organs.
  3. The third part of the Organ. This is just the lowest organ in charge of supporting and serving the upper part of the organ.

Al-Farabi divides the State into five forms, namely:
  1. State the main (Al-Madinah Al-Fadilah): country led by the prophets and philosophers; the inhabitants feel happiness.
  2. The country of morons (Al-Madinah Al-Jahilah): a country whose inhabitants did not know happiness.
  3. State the wicked: a country whose inhabitants know happiness, but their behavior is equal to the population of the country of morons.
  4. The changing State (Al-Madinah Al-Mutabaddilah): at first the population of the country has thought and opinion as for the main State residents, but then suffered damage.
  5. State of heresy (Al-Madinah Ad-dallah): country led by a man who considers himself got the revelation and then he deceives the crowd with his speech and his actions.

His Thoughts About The Leader

With the same principle, a leader of a country is the most important and most perfectly in a country. According to Al Farabi, a leader is one who he termed characteristic philosopher Prophets i.e. people who have physical and mental abilities (rationality and spirituality).

The political philosophy of Al-Farabi, particularly his notions about the rulers of major cities reflects the rationalization of a teaching of the Imamate in Shi'a. His thoughts on Leaders With the same principle, a leader of a country is the most important and most perfectly in a country. According to Al Farabi, a leader is one who he termed characteristic philosopher Prophets i.e. people who have physical and mental abilities (rationality and spirituality). Mentioned the presence of the leader of the first generation (the first one with all the perfection and because it is very hard to find (its existence) then the second generation or the next generation had enough, referred to as ' (Rais) or the leader of the second. Next al-Farabi reminded that although the quality of the other already fulfilled, but if the quality of a philosophy is not met or did not take part in a Government, then the Main Countries like "Kingdom without a King" therefore, the State can be the verge of collapse.


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